1 来ませ救ひ主 憐れみ給ひて
罪科に沈む 我を助けませ
よろこべ諸人 主は来たり給もう
2 来ませ救ひ主 君が光もて
道ゆき惑へる 民を照らしませ
よろこべ諸人 主は来たり給もう
3 来ませ救ひ主 愛の御翼に
我らをはぐくみ 涙ぬぐひませ
よろこべ諸人 主は来たり給もう
Lent is now in its sixth week, and today I present a chant in the key of E minor, which is sung in Advent. Johann Mattheson describes this key as pensive, sad and painful, which is truly appropriate for this chant.
The chant is about the contrition of mankind for its great sins and the hope of Christ's coming to free mankind from sin, that is, salvation. It was St Paul who said that where sin increases, grace also increases. The person who sings this hymn well recognises two important things for mankind. The reason I like this chant is that it shows mankind's greatest wisdom and wise judgment.
And the literary style of the lyrics is also incomparably beautiful. I must say that modern men who ungrudgingly abandon such beauty are insane.